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Hong Kong
Instock items: 3-7 working days
pre-order items: 3-4 weeks
HK$30 (FREE for order over $500)

Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau
Instock items: 3-7 working days
pre-order items: 3-4 weeks
HK$50 (FREE for order over $800)

Malaysia, Singapore
Pre-order items: around 4 weeks
HK$100 (FREE for order over $1000)

Pre-order items: 4-5 weeks
HK$350 (5 items or less). For each additional item after that, it's an extra $30. (please contact us if you wish to combine orders).

  • Customers are responsible to pay the additional costs such as duties, taxes, and customs clearance fees. Import charges can vary widely but are most commonly based on the price and type of item, package weight and dimensions, origin country, and the taxes, duties, and fees of the destination country.